You don’t need to wait years to experience lasting change.

A quantum leap is right around the corner.

Quantum Leap Coaching is not a therapy session in which we talk about your problems to help you feel better for a few hours.

This is laser focused work that we'll do together to resolve a particular problem in your life.

And we can only do that if...

You're willing to become a different person.
You're ready to change and take ownership of this area of your life. 
You're done blaming circumstances.

Together we will transform your challenge into your strength by accessing a version of you that hasn't been accessed before. We'll address every level of your being (mental, emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual) for a holistic, lasting change. You'll receive homework to maintain this new reality and a template to access a "new self" in any area of your life that you have challenges with in the future.

This is for you if:

- You have one particular problem that you need help with.
- You're tired of talking about your problems with no change.
- You're at the end of your rope dealing with the same problem on repeat.
- You already understand the roots of your problem and you're ready to become the person who is free of the struggle.
- You're ready for tough love (I will hold you to a high standard).
- You're willing to do what it takes after our session to maintain your paradigm shift.
- You know that you create your own reality.

Areas of focus that these sessions are appropriate for: 
compulsive behaviors, sexual challenges, direction + purpose in life, relationship issues, and family wounds

Only you know if you're ready. If you are, move forward with scheduling. By doing so you're saying a strong YES to a true Quantum Leap in your life.

Thank you so much for the very effective session yesterday.  It felt easy and safe to work and share with you. I have done SO MUCH personal growth work so it was interesting for this deep stuff to come up for healing. Today I feel really great. Your work is awesome and powerful.  You assisted me in breaking through parts of myself I was unable to get to before. “

- N